Monday, October 3, 2011

10-3-11 Recap of the last few days::
3 Munchkins:  We had a good weekend together. We didn't really do anything special, but it was great to be at home, in our home, yard, etc.  #2 finally succeeded in keeping us from church Sun. morning.  He's come close many times, but this past Sunday was it. He refused to get up, and at the time we were supposed to be leaving he got up and insisted on taking a shower.  I was furious. It's a 20 drive to church, and it was already time for church to start. The other 2 and I got in the car and left. We just drove around for a little bit, went to the grocery store to get things for lunch, and came back home.  #2 was back in the bed asleep where he stayed for several more hours.  The 3 of us went outside to our swing with my Bible and we had our own little service.  We talked about the scripture I shared, and we took turns telling something we were thankful for, and then each prayed.  It was a special time, and one they won't forget.

GIRL POWER:  I did several little projects over the last few days.  I caulked the area in the garage where the water had been leaking into the gameroom.  Hopefully if the garage leaks again at least the water won't seep into the house.
I washed and waxed my car.
I pruned some trees and shrubs.
I watched a lot of football!
Auburn beat Carolina, and Georgia won, too!

SWEET 16:  One of my little ones brought me a vanilla-iced doughnut with sprinkles from Dunkin Doughnuts.... YUM!! 
I love it when I come down the hall in the mornings and they are so excited to see me.  I missed them too.  They are truly a special little group!

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