Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Tonight I used a replacement part I purchased earlier in the week to fix the bifold door in my hall.  Now I can successfully hide some of my junk in that closet.  I also halfway fixed the bifold door on #2's closet.  It's not fixed correctly because the track on the floor was removed when the previous owners changed the carpet to flooring.  It's hanging, though, instead of leaning against the wall.  Got to fix #3's closet door tomorrow.

Today was a half day for students, and the other half was for parent conferences.  I had some very positive conferences, but as in times past, the parents I really needed to talk to about their child didn't show.  Several parents reported that their child loved me and my class, and that they enjoyed coming to school.  Not to brag at all, but that does tell me I'm doing something right.  I love coming to school and seeing them each day.  I truly love them all. I found out one of my sweet girls is moving in a couple of weeks, and has to change schools.  My sweet 16 will become sweet 15 until another one moves in......and they always do. :-)

Monday, September 26, 2011

9-26-11 Weekend update!

Munchkins:  #1's soccer game was rained out Sat...  We all had a great day together. #2 even let me help him clean his room, but he did A LOT of the work.  You can actually see his floor now.  He was motivated by earning the right to be ungrounded. He was grounded from XBox and Computer because of the morning from H*%l he had given me Friday. 

GIRL POWER:  I awoke at 8 Sat. morning to the sound of thunder and rain.  That's not necessarily a bad thing unless water pours into your garage which end up getting into the game room, etc.  I grabbed towels, etc. and kept the water out of the house.  I then walked outside with my umbrella in the rain and lightening and observed how the water was getting in.  It appeared that part of it was a gutter problem. So...... when I got back out of bed a couple of hours later after the sun was out I proceeded to clean out my gutters.  They are just in the front of the house.  It rained again Sun. night, and not a drop of water got in my garage!
Sat. I also caulked around the kitchen sink because water was leaking to the cabinets below at times.  THAT was a messy job. Lots of caulk on me before it was over.  I got my new stove!!! It looks great, and I cooked a roast, potatoes, carrots, etc. Sat. night to celebrate.
Sun. I finally got more big furniture moved into the correct places since I had some help.  I rearranged the living room, and now I can use the fireplace if it ever gets cold enough.

Sweet 16:  My funny girl N had been telling me about her mama's sweet potato cake, and I told her that sounded yummy.  Fri. morning in walks N with her mama's sweet potato cake! It was actually very good, and even the other students loved it.  I called mom and thanked her.

OH Yeah.......I had my official observation this (Monday) morning by my principal.  He stayed about an hour.  He's been in several times, but this is the one he writes up for my evaluation, etc.  Hopefully all went well. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

3 MUNCHKINS: #1 had his first soccer game tonight. #3's game was at the same time, but I had already been to one of her games so I went to his. He played goalie tonight and did quite well.  They lost 2-1 against a team that had several players that played on the high school team.
All 3 came over tonight and had the usual battle with #2 over school work. His dad has no problems getting him to do his work anymore. Guess #2 needed to fight with me over something tonight.

GIRL POWER-  Yesterday was quite a liberating day for me.  After much research and shopping around I purchased a new stove.. It will be delivered Saturday and they will haul off my fire hazard old one I've never been able to use.  I saved enough money that I was able to replace my 19 inch bedroom tv with a 32 inch one. No more squinting in bed at night!  
A friend I haven't seen in ages made plans with me to go eat dinner and see "The Help" last night.  I even had a free ticket someone else had given me.  My friend got a terrible migraine and couldn't go, but I went anyway.  Yes, by myself!  (It's not the 1st time, either.) 

SWEET 16- Yesterday at lunch one of my babies sneezed, and sneezed blood all over himself.  He's done it before, so I wasn't too alarmed.  We've started having sickness and absences despite all my Lysol spraying!  I sent one home Tues. after she threw up, and she hasn't been back.  One was out 3 days with tonscillitis.  I have cold #2 going on.  I never really got over the 1st one.  I've been sucking on Zicam again.
Today I had to spray the room with Lysol 3 different times at the kids' request because someone was constantly passing gas! Funny stuff!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

3 MUNCHKINS:  Today was #3's first soccer game. They lost 12-0.  She, however, has made huge strides since last year. At this time last year she would stand in the center of the field with her arms crossed refusing to move.  She was running around tonight, and kicking the ball.  My day was made when during a break in the game she ran over to the sidelines and gave me a big hug and kiss.  I love that girl! 

GIRL POWER:  After the soccer game, supper, etc. I didn't have much time to do anything major, but I did clean up the living room, and washed a load of towels.  I passed on my usual Tues. night plans after the drama last week. I'm excited about going to eat and see "The Help" with a sweet friend tomorrow evening, though.

SWEET 16:  My love that was complaining of a sore throat last week will be out for several days this week with tonsillitis.  Another little one threw up in the bathroom (thank goodness) this afternoon.  Hope it was just random5 .
Too wet for recess outside today so they played at the learning centers instead.  I started some diagnositc testing today which will help me identify their strengths and weakness in reading.  I had to drink a 6 hr. Energy today. I've got to get to bed earlier!

Monday, September 19, 2011


MUNCHKINS:  We made it out the door today. Yes, that is an accomplishment. #2 didn't fall asleep until after midnight, and was quite tired this morning. He always has to be handled with care in the mornings, but especially with no sleep. Of course all 3 ate crummy Pop Tarts in my freshly vacuumed car, but at least I had them all at school when the doors opened at 7:15, and I could begin my 25 min. commute. I made it to my school with time to spare. :-)

GIRL POWER:  I went to Home Depot to buy the attachments to turn Nate's closet shelf into a closet rod, but it didn't fit.  Ill try a different type tomorrow. 
As I knew when I bought this house....many things were in disrepair, etc.  I keep finding more and more things now that I'm living here.  Tonight when I turned on the disposal in the sink- water started spewing out under the sink into the cabinet.  It was coming from the disposal...I think.  Add it to the list of things I will attempt to fix....or add it to my dad's to-do list for his next visit.

MY SWEET 16:  Nothing really new today so I'll share one of the funniest older ancedotes:  One of my lovely girls came in on a Monday and told me she had the best weekend because she had a bedroom to herself that weekend " cause my mom and her boyfriend went to a hotel for the weekend."  Gotta love what they share!  It was hard to keep a straight face.....

Oh one of my boys told me his dad is able to donate blood to The Red Cross through his computer.  I haven't figured that one out yet....

Sunday, September 18, 2011

MUNCHKINS- #1 and #2 fought on the way to church....always a fight or problem on the way to church to get me totally out of the mood for worship.  #2 mowed the front yard today, and did a pretty good job for his first time.

GIRL POWER-- My back electric sunshade in my car has been making a horrible noise every time I back up. (Motor messed up I think,) I removed the fuse for it today. It didn't fix the root of the problem, but now there's no awful noise coming from the back window when I back up.
I also found and replaced the blown fuse that was keeping my AC outlets in the car from working.

SWEET 16- I've found it's hard at times to be really good at being a mom and being a really good teacher. When my munchkins are here I want to give all my time to them, which is why I'm starting my lesson plans at midnight on Sunday night. It will get easier as the year goes on.