Monday, September 26, 2011

9-26-11 Weekend update!

Munchkins:  #1's soccer game was rained out Sat...  We all had a great day together. #2 even let me help him clean his room, but he did A LOT of the work.  You can actually see his floor now.  He was motivated by earning the right to be ungrounded. He was grounded from XBox and Computer because of the morning from H*%l he had given me Friday. 

GIRL POWER:  I awoke at 8 Sat. morning to the sound of thunder and rain.  That's not necessarily a bad thing unless water pours into your garage which end up getting into the game room, etc.  I grabbed towels, etc. and kept the water out of the house.  I then walked outside with my umbrella in the rain and lightening and observed how the water was getting in.  It appeared that part of it was a gutter problem. So...... when I got back out of bed a couple of hours later after the sun was out I proceeded to clean out my gutters.  They are just in the front of the house.  It rained again Sun. night, and not a drop of water got in my garage!
Sat. I also caulked around the kitchen sink because water was leaking to the cabinets below at times.  THAT was a messy job. Lots of caulk on me before it was over.  I got my new stove!!! It looks great, and I cooked a roast, potatoes, carrots, etc. Sat. night to celebrate.
Sun. I finally got more big furniture moved into the correct places since I had some help.  I rearranged the living room, and now I can use the fireplace if it ever gets cold enough.

Sweet 16:  My funny girl N had been telling me about her mama's sweet potato cake, and I told her that sounded yummy.  Fri. morning in walks N with her mama's sweet potato cake! It was actually very good, and even the other students loved it.  I called mom and thanked her.

OH Yeah.......I had my official observation this (Monday) morning by my principal.  He stayed about an hour.  He's been in several times, but this is the one he writes up for my evaluation, etc.  Hopefully all went well. 

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